German culture from the artist's perspective
Wim Wender's tribute to Pina Bausch. How can a dancer represent German culture since WWII? Note: Be sure to skip any advertisements that utube places in front of the video. Just "SKIP"-- the advertisements are not part of the class curriculum. |
What role does rhythm play for people and their cultures?
What are they used for?
Who uses them?
For what purpose?
Is there a rhythm of life?
Wim Wenders speaks about the movie, Pina's sudden death.Leni Riefenstahl, The victory of belief. |
Other famous German film directors. Rosa von Praunheim, Leni Riefenstahl, Werner Herzog. Volker Schlöndorff, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, to name a few.
How does Pina differ from the
Ride of the Valkyries from DIE WALKÜRE
Richard Wagner wrote four operas. Best known is ... this. And Adolf Hitler loved it. He made Richard Wagner a German art hero. Everything else that didn't make the nazi canon or list of acceptable art was stigmatized "entartete Kunst" deviant art. Wagner is a difficult case. But he died 50 years before Nazis ever took power who turned his musical leitmotifs into emotional terror and propaganda. |
Music inventions are not limited to musical scores The Fraunhofer Institute made music accessible and widely used: the case of digital formats and concurrent industrial developments along with musical and art creations. (Company website)
The written word
"The most respected German-language novelists of ... [the first half of the 20th] century are Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann and Robert Musil. Close to them in terms of status are Hermann Broch, Alfred Döblin, Hermann Hesse, Joseph Roth, Robert Walser and Stefan Zweig.Other German-language novelists writing in the first half of the 20th century include (in alphabetical order): Lou Andreas-Salomé, Vicki Baum, Elias Canetti, Veza Canetti, Hans Carossa, Hedwig Courths-Mahler, Hans Fallada, Robert Flinker, Anna Gmeyner, Oskar Maria Graf, Georg Hermann, Hans Henny Jahnn, Franz Jung, Ernst Jünger, Erich Kästner, Irmgard Keun, Heinrich Mann, Klaus Mann, Erik Reger, Erich Maria Remarque, Franziska zu Reventlow, Luise Rinser, Arthur Schnitzler, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Gabriele Tergit, Clara Viebig, Jakob Wassermann, Franz Werfel, Arnold Zweig. Also worth mentioning is the Viennese short prose writer Peter Altenberg." (*source:, viewed Sept. 20, 2012)
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